Covey and Rumsfeld. No Irony: Bconx.

Frederick Douglass, the renowned abolitionist, began life as a slave on Maryland's Eastern Shore. When his owner had trouble with the young, unruly slave, Douglass was sent to Edward Covey, a notorious "slave breaker." Covey's plantation, where physical and psychological torture were standard, was called Mount Misery. Douglass eventually fought back, escaped to the North and went on to change the world. Today Mount Misery is owned by Donald Rumsfeld, the outgoing secretary of defense possibly under investigation for violating torture laws. (more)

Skip to interview at minute 50. (vid takes a moment to upload).

If you(t) have seen something once you have seen it twice and so, you know it. Then you can draw line like mama harriet, mlk and satank: ini will not live this way.

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