Cumberbatch o'
"It was not clear what he meant." 2x. (no...3x).
"Old Ceasar is the Best!"
Shango. Shango sees things.
There are things that are destroying us.
Beast-heart is accomplishing much with our division.
Sister Souljah, (shango) asked 20 years ago, "Do you give a f***?"
1960s 2parent familes were 78% of all black familes.
1970s 2parent families were 64%
1980s 2parent families were 48%
1985 2parent families were 40%
1990 2 parent families were 37%.
Yes. This IS one of the strongest generations in a while. ...but as courageous as they are, they will fall...we need shango vision. asi sister ashi an awo. Cawban pioh wah.
Irrepressible Afrikan Livity
[no. it is irrepressible Afrikan livity]
"Recently, Gray, arms and legs trembling, stood before the congregation in the Dorchester church, telling his story during an interfaith service as Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Police Commissioner William Evans listened in stunned silence."
[those furthest from irrepressible Afrikan livity are most stunned]
"He wants to convince them and other Boston leaders to enlist people like him and Woods to tell their stories in neighborhoods where violence has been flaring this year."
“Our young men are threatened — by each other,” he said. “Why? That’s what we have to find out.
[Seen? They don't know WHY? (nor the pulpit men na now WHY either) ...idren na start out alienated, self-manipulating and self-threatening...we are MADE to self-hate, not love and be warm pon wi bruddah.]
"Once we eliminate the threat, then we can find a solution, because we can give them services or give them jobs. But if we don’t eliminate the threat, we’ll have a kid going to work with a gun in his pocket.”
Black Basketball from the day: Current NBA stars honor their Black Fives predecessors
and Kevin Martin participated in the
“Original Pioneers” shorts.
Photos courtesy of the Timberwolves
"New Tobacco Agreement Excludes African American Media"
"New Tobacco Agreement Excludes African American Media"
"...But she could not escape her growing doubts about the industry and her role in it, especially the aggressive targeting of black communities and young people. The breaking point for Wright was the Kool Mixx campaign. Her job was to encourage retailers to place colorful Kool Mixx displays — which featured cartoon images of rappers, DJs and partying African-Americans — near cookie and candy sections.
"That campaign just made me sick. I really understood that this company was targeting African-American youth. I could see it clearly," she said. "I didn't even want a severance package. I wanted to quit."
She became a whistle-blower and a tobacco-prevention advocate, giving talks and sharing her insider's knowledge with anti-tobacco groups.
Now she firmly believes that tobacco companies need to redress their targeting of African-Americans.
We don’t smoke that s---, we just sell it.
We reserve that right for the young, the poor,
the black and the stupid.
Unnamed tobacco executive"
“You will love the things that destroy..."
"disciplesofmalcolm: “You will love the things that destroy..."
“You will love the things that destroy you, and you will hate the things that advance your growth. Look at your behavior. Look at the behavior of your compatriots and watch if what I’m saying is not true.
'I hate to read. I hate to study. I hate to learn. Oh, but I love to party. I love to smoke. I like to drink. I love to screw.' And all the loves you will find will be loves that what? That don’t advance you one bit, and yet you can’t get over them. You’re addicted to them.
But things that lead to growth, to growth and wisdom, knowledge, you see, self-understanding and self-discovery, healthy relations, self-control; all those things are hateful.
But this is the only way a minority can rule over a majority of people, is by turning their minds backwards. So that they love the things that destroy them and hate the things that move them forward. In order for these people to rule over us, we must hate learning. This has to be built into us.
If we were into learning, if we were into research, and into thinking, and into real philosophical ideas and abstraction, we would defeat those people. They know it. So consequently, what they must do is rob you of all of these things so that they may stay in their place.”
-Dr. Amos N. Wilson
PTSD & well produced radio programming - (20 min. Must hear)
Brandon & Curtis ARE doubles...up to a point. Please comment.
Another good related link here:
Introducing the African rock art...
"theolduvaigorge: Introducing the African rock art..."
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938
Seneca Village, NYC
We lived in freedom
Traditional Ghanian poem