Babylon Dem da Letter A... "A" (PF5 to refresh)

Here is an example of the Europeanization of an African phenomenon (click ea. image to see better):

Proto-Sinaitic* to Canaanitic

 Canaanitic to Syriac (Phoenician)
Phoenician to Latin ('your' script from the angles & sajones)

The letter "A".  Seen?  A mere turning upside down and manipulation of.  The letter J.  Seen?  Jesus.  

Take any part of a life area: hospitality, law/justice, how the aged are treated.  ...a mere turning upside down and manipulation of.  AWO.  See Baba Walter Rodney detail in mo fya from whey bak ova deah: 

*for those who scairt: AFRICAN mdw ntr or hierogliphics (if u Will).

1 comment:

Liz said...

The phoenician alphabet is also the Hebrew alphabet