Ammu said that Papachi was an incurable British CCP, which was short for chhi-chhi poach and in Hindi meant shit-wiper. Chacko said the correct word for people like Pappachi was Anglophile. He made Rahel and Estha look up Anglophile in the Reader's Digest Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary. It said: Person well disposed to the English. Then Estha and Rahel had to look up dispose.
It said:
(1) Place suitably in particular order.
(2) Bring mind into certain state.
(3) Do what one will with, get off one's hands, stow away, demolish, finish, settle, consume (food), kill, sell.
Chacko said that in Pappachi's case it meant (2) Bring mind into certain state. Which, Chacko said, meant that Pappachi's mind had been brought into a state which made him like the English.
~Arundahti Roy, The God of Small Things
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