Last week i received an email titled "How far we've come". Normally trash mail that looks like a chain-letter but I opened it and scrolled through 2 pictures & some text: it was an attempted Black Connection (Bconx). The first picture was a Norman Rockwell painting of Ruby Bridges ... ... the little black girl who had to be escorted to school by federal marshals.

The text beside it read: "On November 14, 1960, Bridges faced hostile crowds as the first black child to attend a previously all-white New Orleans school. She was 6 years old and had only been told by her mother that she was going to be attending a new school that day and 'had better behave.' Little did she know that she would be bombarded with jeers and even death threats, and that she would end up being the sole child in her first grade class after other children were kept home by their parents. All because Ruby was Black." (*awo) One of the chail letter senders (an elder Sister) commented: “I just busted out in tears. I actually saw that on the news when I was a little girl”. This was follwed by another picture & text:

"Forty-eight years later -- January 5, 2009 -- here is a picture of Sasha Obama, a little 7 year old Black girl, being escorted to school by her mother, First Lady-elect Michelle Obama, and the Secret Service because Sasha's daddy is now President-elect of the United States, Barack Obama".

"Forty-eight years later -- January 5, 2009 -- here is a picture of Sasha Obama, a little 7 year old Black girl, being escorted to school by her mother, First Lady-elect Michelle Obama, and the Secret Service because Sasha's daddy is now President-elect of the United States, Barack Obama".
Here are 3 more Bconx that were not made because we are asleep or sleepwalking or both. The Obamas inherit an upsidedown kingdom, one in which the 'highest' leaders must use great protection for themselves & their family because of fear of the wi(d)er society. This fear is displayed in other escorts:

Seen. Na bullet proof windows...MISSLE-Proof. Root of this fear? The Barricado.
Besides disease, pirate's biggest fear was insurrection on the slaver. They had insurance: arms, and wooden wall-barrier (escort) right on the deck in case of bad (upsidedown) feeling. Progress? Only a progression of wasted earth resources, insuring-re-enforcing unnecessary sysdems of fear (backthorn, awo), eh? Game as old as Empire.
& Jan 21... "So which way now? We have known hurt. But we have known miracles." -sister Adalaide Sanford
This is what sleepwalking too long does...affects language and even thought: Ruby's escort was not 'all because Ruby was Black'. HER BLACKNESS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. OUR BLACKNESS NEVER HAD TO DO WITH IT. WHEY BBY IMAGINATION IN DEM DOME STRANGE IS ‘ALL BECAUSE’. This imagination has not been addressed in the 'Obama process':
(what sysdems = 'elephant in the room' here?)
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