Bconx alert: Black Folks Ruutz

Both maps above show the same segment of the southern United States, and demonstrate a similar pattern. Yet each describes a wholly other era and a completely different process. Top is cotton production process 148 years ago. Botton is the McCain/Obama election data for Black folks. Fascinating. ...made a similar comparison in Bconx presentations a few years ago called black dots & 'nigger hill' the former name of Boston's Beacon Hill (click on picture below). Word, this is an excellent 'cotton pickin' Bconx example.

European 'Capitols' Were Always Built By Slaves
I knew before of the hidden history of 'liberty' and that the slave Phillip Reid had put the ‘liberty woman’ on the capitol (see picture below of unirony of freedom doublespeak in the invisible presence of ‘her’ niggers). My ancestors are from nearby PG county and I know they did carpentry for their masters. I did not know the details of this story. And something else in this 11min clip surfaces: an important problem, and it begins with Biden's waxing majestically and continues when the guest author Holland refers to the slave workers as “African-american slaves”. Anachronistic? Not only that. Those men at the time had no political or legal standing as Americans. They were subjects of african sovereigns taken in war from africa to harbors such as annapolis and b'more and raised there (1 generation, 2 generation or 6 generations) with no polticial standing. So while folks might point at this wonderful researcher's remarks and say, isn’t that the epitome of "america" and "americans" and 'how far we have come' there is a whole different truth: this has nothing to do with america and is the epitmoe of africa and africans (& the surviving remanants of their spirituality & culture).
Imagine sitting there deliberating over how to do a complex art puzzle that was a symbol of liberty taken from the romans, a slave society, who did not overstand 'liberty' from their african teachers, for your masters (or hired out masters...federal gov't), and not being able to marry your slave wife, or subject to being sold, whipped or starved in any series of random daily acts? The tolerance, the thought, the skill, & the humanity to suffer these sufferements have nothing to do with america and americans. The spirituality is older and it comes from the older places on earth’s africa where 'black' folks dwelled first. Biden’s says 'look around you and see majesty': hah-the crumbling phallus of washington right in front of him b/c they could not construct the single stone phallus of Ausar (Osiris). But Amerika keeps on telling the lie, looking past Phillip Reid, the African (see capitol pic below). There is great (ancient) problem ahead that are to come from this ignorance multiplied by confusion (for all). ...& they know it in deep places inside them dem might not want to visit on the conscious level. Seen?, this strange Brockton man think: "rape then kill colored people to save the white race" ...reminiscent of lynch mobbers preserving their victims privates, awo.
Bconx: Not All Capitols built by slaves. The capitals of the columns in the Capital building have tobacco leaves as homage to where the 'first world', 'new world', 'novus ordem' (whatevery bby want to call it) was built...with the ancestors' free work on rich Cheasapeake (Ninnuock-stolen) soils.
New Short Story
The Dream began: Barack Obama stormed slowly through the House offices and a basement areas, apparently from one crisis meeting to another. He wore a huge flowing robe striped in the colors of kente cloth, rich green, red, orange and black. He wore a cap reflecting that found in any number of secret brotherhoods to the west of his father’s land.
No American aides were anywhere to be found. Obama did not carry any technology but his taller stronger self. His stride was confident enough to make even the most radical pan-africanist scared for him. He was history manifested. He was unstrict genetics become.
He never looked down, but the bones and teeth of dead slaves that other slaves, the ancestors, had tucked secretly in the House’s foundation lit up his steps: guided his path through the House.
He continued through hallways. Obama was beyond the system error he had had to believe was un-quitable. Was he alone in the House? No. He was air’place and air’day. He knew that he could no longer exist as a believer that how he felt was what made America happen. How did he know this? Things like this become easy in dream-time; especially for a one-time multiple immigrant who had lost a friend: an elder friend with a black heart at that. The more offices he passed, the more overstanding added to him. He knew the strange people would not keep him. He knew they, not he, would write his memoir.
So he turned a corridor and entered a big room filled with forgotten ancestors. He walked round the outside of the gathering and took a place behind Mandela’s people. He listened eyes closed to all the ancestors who spoke and he did not classify the teachments for future use. He let the 40+ vibrations add to him as he closed the door and moved on.
Suddenly he was outside. In a New England court yard on a royal colonial esstate. Obama smiled as he watched the enslaved and the White ‘Election Day’ crowds eat, dance and ‘put on’. He at once overstood what it meant to have America support him & made a mental decree to ban all future travel on it’s behalf. His smile grew because he knew Michelle would say two things: one, he was good trouble for real white folk and two, he, (as a process?), was a heart pill for other concerned white folks: copy and paste style. Michelle. Where was she? No where. Which made him think. Made him think what? Made him think things would change.
The dream ended: Obama slowed his trod and stopped before the White House bedroom he had learned to find. He stood still forgetting his prior steps, lost in the newest idea to his mind: the world was 100% right in him being necessary but for 100% of the wrong reason. Looking at the back of his hand, he looked at some nearby American thing, looked away again and awoke...in crisis.
~Livicated to the missing 5th wheel of NWG January 25, 2009
Attempted Bconx Alert

Last week i received an email titled "How far we've come". Normally trash mail that looks like a chain-letter but I opened it and scrolled through 2 pictures & some text: it was an attempted Black Connection (Bconx). The first picture was a Norman Rockwell painting of Ruby Bridges ... ... the little black girl who had to be escorted to school by federal marshals.

"Forty-eight years later -- January 5, 2009 -- here is a picture of Sasha Obama, a little 7 year old Black girl, being escorted to school by her mother, First Lady-elect Michelle Obama, and the Secret Service because Sasha's daddy is now President-elect of the United States, Barack Obama".

Ricci v. DeStefano

The so-called “New Haven 20” filed suit, claiming that the city’s decision amounted to race discrimination against white firefighters who should have been promoted. Nineteen of the 20 are white; one is Hispanic.
Now that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear it, the case has the potential to steer the course of the country’s civil rights history. (more).
Nixon: The Preparation
Keep It On The (Download)
Fruity Loop instrumental made w/clips of President Nixon from some documentary. '68-71' folks tired of 'deliberate speed' of civil rights/mad at malcom/martin deaded > rebel (newark detroit watts dc boston). Nixon pronounce ENUFF civil rights activity u...now civil rights forWe (to be free of the terror of 'u') time for order-control. He repeat verbatim 'founding fathers' pleas for slave control (see slave clauses in the declaration of independence & constitution). Result: full flight, deciimated public fool system, letpump arms & doses fi poorest rezs, hoods, barios fi popo come lock lid down tight (2mn prisoners USA). Listen Nixon. m'prepare fi dem 3 strikes, cori, reaganish Bushity1 CLINTONsax, Bushity miliprisonindustricomplexion, abu garaib, diallo, seanbell. Bconx control, awo.
Mn-nfrBirmingham Negroes
Oh boy. Where to begin.
Michael Sullivan: “is that a serious question?” As the son of the illiterate John Shakespeare once wrote: ‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
Darnell: “I think the race card is not something that should be played or used here...we have obama elected so clearly our country has made progress” 20 seconds of ‘weakest black man on so many levels’ iman seen in months...
So now, Shiela Dixon’s turn. Bconx: what bad jackets (us) will they use to impact our little now power? And why do we make the same mistakes as our fathers? Rootz idren. Rootz & Inatty: semi-Arius & Coulter seen.
"We have guided missiles and mis-guided men."

Kirikou & The Sorceress (incient wisdom)

Kirikou & the Sorceress 1hr20min Video
i saw this movie w/my cousin tribe 3-4 years ago. There is a deep & wonderful story in the script. i don't know if the movie makers even understand it...(perhaps their african story tellers knew it if they consulted on the project). idren recommend u see it [if u do, do not read further because my comments retell the story. ]
in my reading of it, karaba (sorceress) represents strange people (& others) infected by yt supremacy (back thorn). She causes all kind of sufferment (maafa) to the village (world idren). When a savior (a youth living in the positive, or ma'at) borns himself and has an old testament mission (keep fixing straying tribes) he ends up seeking his elders' wisdom, uses creativity, sacrifice & courage and curiosity (why? why? why?) to end the 'back thorn'. What happens when the back thorn is removed? Karaba screams in pain at first, but then all the green returns to the earth, the village, suspicious at first, embraces karaba and sings and the imprisoned black men return freed to the village (smile). Result: amenta/ heaven/ paradise/ mecca (all in the best rallying ground-the african village). To me, beside roots miniseries, I think this is one of the most important movies u can show yut, for it shows kids dem power to _______ ; eh? (smile). Quizasiman crazy but that is what am told thru this beautiful (pseudo-colonialist french) movie.
Jerz to Oakland - Sankofa

Went antiquing: bought some 60s magazines including this one for Bconx presentations. East Orange is the home town of my parents. Dem remembory those events to me from time to time.
Meet Me On the Moon - Phyllis Hyman
w/chaka, caron wheeler, whitney, anita baker & mary j, na songstress igual.
call it anything.
it is the life thing in us
that will not let us die.
even in death’s hand
we fold the fingers up
and call them greens
and grow on them,
we hum them and make music.
call it our wildness then,
we are lost from the field
of flowers, we become
a field of flowers.
call it our craziness
our wildness
call it our roots,
it is the light in us
it is the light of us
it is the light,
call it
whatever you have to,
call it anything.
Lucille Clifton
good woman: poems and a memoir 1969-1980
Brockport, New York: BOA Editions, 1987. 120
Idren At-Risk (strange people dem too).
..michelle had been asked to compare herself to the (soup eating) Powells before...important she repeated herself: vItal.
key: see & ovastand from start to min 3:12
Seen: all slavery after ma'afa = derivative 'nigger slavery'. I slept on this but Jimmie woke me back up. W/obama babylon tink dem started at beginning...dem na. Dem get fraction solution w/endway start. Ovas universal: allways empire end...na seen. Hisstory only remember (slave society) Rome for dem clothes, roads slaves built & the man dem were messing with. Same: in 100s years na remember Amerika fi moon travel/internet but niggers dem thot dem could make & keep.
ps. ukneegrows is in serious trouble now...your boy learned fruity loops & makes beats daily; can sample too-see mlk ditty here (him ovas jbp vs. jerusalem slim):
King On JbpKeep It On The (Download)
...RIP Oscar Grant.