Originile House Arkytect, awo
"Once the slave has his master's education, the slave wants to be like his master, wants to share his master's property, and even wants to exercise the same privileges as his master while he is yet in his master's house."
~Malcolm X, The Speeches of Malcolm X at Harvard
Disc on nect.Shun
"...and every day I would come into the chamber, and he would say [Southern Accent]
"Ms. Chisolm how you doin'?"
I said. "Oh I'm feelin' pretty well."
"My! Imagine, making 42-fiiive like me."
I said, "What did you say?"
"Ms. Chisholm, you makin' 42-fiiiive like me."
This is what i kept hearing. - "42-fiiive!"
So finally, one day, it was just too much. I said two things. "First of all since you can't stand the idea of my making 42 five like you, when you see me coming into this chamber, each day vanish. Vanish until I take my seat, so you won't have to confront me with this 42-five." I said, "Secondly, you must remember I'm paving the road for a lot of other people lookin' like me to make "42-fiiive"!"
~Shirley Chisolm, Chisolm 72': Unbought & Unbossed

of Cuffs
tell me again why they behave so
who caused the break down to build up
and spew over into no respect
lewd access
celebratory emissions of violent zest
from outside again
wash me rain
uncloak the smell of the near to do well
uncomb the style into substance
please nature give back the wind to the distance
and take it away from the bluff
the words that are never enough
take from my sleeves the refined lies of cuffs
take the gamble the rolling preamble
into respectability.
~Vaughn Benjamin, Koll Pekude