“Our disease is ordained. With that resented suddenness, recurring in each of us waking from mystification, our eyes are forced open and we see ourselves, competitors in the debilitating struggle to climb into easier stations in a world built on injustice. Then there are saving minds-ours and others’-ready to create for us the indispensable sustaining illusion: that the aim of our particular climb is not to share the saccharine crumbs of privilege but to end the real bitterness of oppression. A soothing, confusing fusion: the huge social fight to destroy injustice is swallowed in the petty private struggle to promote the isolate self into sharing privilege, oppression’s fruit. Fiction so hollow, yet needing to believe it we fill it out, using all the force of youth’s clever, selfish righteousness.”
~Ayi Kwei Armah, Why Are We So Blest?
How does one use 'all the force' properly (right force, right way, first time)?

Fight fiction with rootz then fluency then quality.