Highest Civilization?

[L]et me sum up…the colonial problem: the depressed peoples and classes of the world form the vast majority of mankind today in the era of the highest civilization the world has known. The majority of human beings do not today have enough to eat and wear or sufficient shelter for decent existence; the majority of the world’s peoples do not understand what the world is, what it has been and what the laws of its growth and development are; and they are unable to read the record of this history. Most human beings suffer and die years before this is necessary and most babies die before they ever really live. And the human mind with all its visions and possibilities is today deliberately distorted and denied freedom of development by people who actually imagine that such freedom would endanger civilization. Most of these disinherited folk are colored, not because there is any essential significance in skin color, but because most people in the world are colored. What now can be done about this, in this day of crisis, when with the end of a horrible and disgraceful war in sight, we contemplate Peace and Democracy? What has Democracy to do with Colonies and what has skin-color to do with Peace?
~W.E.B Du Bois, Color and Democracy
Mmm... What does it Really mean.

"Perhaps the most frightening problem is not trying to figure out what to do about Black children who do poorly in schools and on tests. Perhaps the most frightening problem is demonstrated in the form of a question: What does it mean for a Black child to perform well within a school system and on standardized tests that are historically and inherently designed to prove and maintain white supremacy?"
~Kmt G. Shockley, The Miseducation of Black Children
It was common for black men to run away

A study of runaway slaves in the antebellum South found that slaveholders’ advertisements often described a slave as “proud, artful, cunning . . . shrewd” or “very smart.” Historians Loren Schweninger and John Hope Franklin conclude that the typical runaway exhibited “self-confidence, self-assurance, self-possession . . . self-reliance.” It was rare for women to run away, especially those with small children. In the database produced by Schweninger and Franklin, based on extant runaway advertisements in five Southern states, 81 percent of all runaways were male. Of the 195 Virginia runaways* from 1838 to 1860, of which Sarah would be one, only seventeen (9 percent) were female.
*note: s/b advertised runaways
Bconx: Linkages

"Lingakes between slaves’ behavior during their term of years and a potential speedup of emancipation could be quite explicit: Edward Griffith [ca. 1808] promised Jack and seven other adolescent slaves freedom at the age of thirty but allowed in the manumission deed that, “provided that the said negroes shall serve faithful and . . . remain . . . obedient servants until they come of age of 25 years I do hereby agree and determine that they shall be free at the age of 25 years.” Griffith’s straightforward language vividly illustrates what many more circumspect manumission deeds no doubt concealed. As master, he “determined” when Jack and the others would become free...."
~The Price of Freedom: Slavery and Manumission in Baltimore and Early National Maryland
(fistbump sis. md fi polaroid)
2 Biskets (y ron)


Kenzo Okuzaki. Senales necessario de field negro full cry pon all sides & signs of ignorance, obstacle & impossibility, AWO. ...Ankobia ma'bueno que el pan eh?.
Nor shall derision prove powerful against those who listen to humanity or those who follow in the footsteps of divinity, for they shall live forever. ~Gibran
Word Sound Power- Tink tink pon dis Idren
"We are trained all our lives to run from sacrifices made for our own aims."
~Ayi Kwei Armah
"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
~Samuel P. Huntington
"Do what is required of you and remain a slave. Do more than is required and become free." ~Marcus Mosiah Garvey

~Ayi Kwei Armah
"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
~Samuel P. Huntington
"Do what is required of you and remain a slave. Do more than is required and become free." ~Marcus Mosiah Garvey

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